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Nissan - Brand history

On the wave of the industrial revolution, in 1911 a car factory called Kwaishinsha was launched in Tokyo. The father of the company was Masujiro Hashimoto, an engineer from Japan, who gained experience in the United States and tried to root the knowledge acquired there in his country.

DAT as hare

In 1914, the first car called DAT rolled off the assembly line. The name came from the first letters from the names of the designers who supported the work on the model - Den, Aoyama, Takeuchi. In Japanese, the word "Dat" means hare. On the hood of the first car of this brand and the next few you could see a hare figurine.

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At the beginning, the DAT brand was focused on the production of trucks and delivery trucks, because at that time there was very little competition in this field. In 1919, Jitsuyo Jidosha was founded in Osaka, which merged with Kwaishinsha seven years later.

DATson or Datsun?

In 1931 a prototype of a small car called Datson was created. In English it could be interpreted as "Son of DAT", or English-Japanese "son of a hare". However, the suffix "son" in Japanese means something lost, so the name was changed to Datsun quite quickly.

In 1935, the first Datsun rolled off the assembly line. At the same time, the Japanese manufacturer decided to start exporting its products to the Australian continent, which turned out to be a pretty good move. Month by month, the car has become a symbol of the rapid development of the Japanese automotive industry.
The brand also started official races in the then rallies and car races, with many successes thanks to the NL75 / 76 model.

 In 1936, the concern started its first foreign cooperation. The American corporation Graham-Paige Motors was the business partner. The Japanese learned from the Americans how to design interesting-looking cars and suspected "from the kitchen" how new technologies are emerging.

A year later, the company celebrated its 10,000th anniversary car.

During the war, Nissan factories suffered heavy damage and were occupied for a long time. As if the war was not enough, Nissan had to deal with one more. Many dealers associated with the Nissan group were "recruited" by a competing Toyota.

Datsun or maybe Austin now?

The way to get out of trouble was to work with British Austin. After signing the relevant contracts in 1953, the first license cars rolled off the production lines in Yokohama. In Japan they were produced under the sign of Datsun, while in Great Britain as Austin.

After getting out of trouble, the Nissan group bought three smaller car companies on the family market: Minsei, Prince and Cony. As a result, he quickly became the second-largest vehicle manufacturer in his country.

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The 1980s was a time when the Japanese brand began its offensive on the European market. The first marriage was unsuccessful. The car created in an alliance with the declining Alfa Romeo brought a car called ARNA. Unfortunately, the car did not meet the requirements of customers from the Old Continent. The divorce happened very quickly and both companies went their own way.

Nissan's microwaves

In the early nineties, Nissan made its technology available to Samsung. The Koreans have decided to create a very wide range of products - from the microwave to cars - along the lines of Daewoo. Although some ambitious prototypes were created, none of them were successful, even on the local market.

In the meantime, Nissan has created new factories outside of Japan. Two were created in Europe - in Spain and Great Britain.

Nissan's turn - Nissan 180

The end of the 90s is an alliance of Nissan with French Renault. The European company bought 35 percent of the Japanese brand's shares. The financial condition of Nissan was not the best then, so specialists developed a special rescue plan. However, a record profit was achieved much faster than initially planned.

The plan called "Nissan 180", like a 180-degree turn, changed Nissan's situation. In subsequent years, the brand began to achieve successes at the global level.

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