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Car breakdown and what's next?

A car breakdown on the road is a serious problem, stress and cost. Half a poverty, if it's a defective bulb, you can always buy a new one at a gas station. Worse, when the engine, clutch or brakes "fall". Therefore, before embarking on a tour, it is worth ensuring that we are properly prepared for such situations.

Mechanical repairs in UK

What breaks down in the car?

The most common failure associated with calling for roadside assistance has recently been battery failure. The ever-increasing electrification of vehicles is the bane of modern drivers. As much as 42 percent in 2018 intervention of mobile mechanics was related to battery failure! Interestingly, this fact results not only from a large amount of electronics, but also from the savings of manufacturers who build batteries of worse quality.

In second place - with a result of 12 percent. - found widely understood engine equipment. This category includes problems with the ignition, injection or control electronics.

The third most common reason for roadside assistance intervention were "other defects," such as mechanical damage associated with running over a hole / curb, suspension, brakes or gearbox defects. Among the most popular faults requiring the intervention of mobile mechanics were: alternator, starter, lighting or wiring failures.

How to prevent such situations?

The likelihood that something breaks down while driving can be minimized. How? Of course, by regularly servicing the car and replacing consumable parts according to the manufacturer's instructions.

What should you check before traveling?

Operational practice shows that it is possible to select parts and assemblies that wear relatively often. Consideration should be given to parts and assemblies which, due to their functions, are subject to wear and tear in a natural way, such as brake discs, pads, filter inserts, spark plugs and operating fluids.

The second group of parts that most often fail are electrical and electronic products. Such components include direction indicator switches and all combined switches, ignition coils and systems, and air flow meters located in the intake systems. A big nuisance for car owners is the "wavy" idling. The reason for this deficiency is in most cases the stepper motor, which is a relatively expensive element. It does not always need to be replaced, in many cases it is enough to clean the engine thoroughly and the revs return to a stable level.

Ghosts on your desktop

Difficult to identify are various messages appearing on the instrument panel. They show various abnormal engine states that do not actually occur. Removing the fault forces the user to walk the car to the service station and experience unnecessary stress associated with the inscriptions appearing in the red field. After reading the memory, "transient errors" are found by deleting them using the service software. Like nothing happens, the fault was not detected, but distrust of the car remains. In cars equipped with tire pressure sensors, there is often erroneous information, forcing the driver to stop the vehicle and check the tires.

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